Energy & Utilities Energy Retail
M&A Screening, M&A Execution and Post-Merger Integration
Case Study Energy Retailer

Case Study

Winning PMI cost-benefit analysis for an energy retailer following major utility integration

SDI conducted a Cost-Benefit Analysis for a Post Acquisition Integration of three electric distribution utilities focusing on realizing synergies on Overhead, Sourcing, Distribution and Retail

Client situation

Client was seeking integrated cost-benefit analysis of the potential merger of three electric distribution utilities by identifying potential synergies coupled with the cost of merging

Project approach

SDI conducted a detailed post acquisition integration study based on extensive industry benchmarking, identification of functional overlap, and bottom-up data collection in order to develop a comprehensive business case that defined the expected financial benefits


Based on the detailed SDI business case and the definition of the high-level path forward, SDI provided the factual basis for decision-making and enabled initiation of the integration

Case Study Energy Retailer

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