Energy & Utilities Wholesale
Strategy Design & Implementation, Digital Strategies
Fallstudie Energie Großhandel

Case Study

Winning IT strategy design for leading wholesale energy trading firm

SDI supported a leading US energy firm focused on Retail Marketing and Wholesale Trading by developing target initiatives guaranteeing organization-wide best practices in IT

Client situation

A leading US energy company which experienced strong growth from M&A activities lacked well-designed post merger integration strategy which resulted in misalignment of IT functions and leading the client to seek better alignment of IT activities

Project approach

SDI developed thorough understanding of key features of a TO-BE as well as AS-IS IT organization by utilizing SDI IT Best Practice SOPT Framework and Process Mapping Approach resulting in a detailed and actionable implementation plan


A systematic project approach enabled SDI and the client to implement identified IT Best Practices to commence analytics-driven transition efforts from the AS-IS to the desired TO-BE state

Fallstudie Energie Großhandel

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