Energy & Utilities Energy Services
Customer Analytics, Marketing & Sales Excellence
Case Study Energy Services

Case Study

U.S. CNG market segmentation to drive value creation through business expansion

SDI conducted a focused compressed natural gas (CNG) market assessment for a leading U.S. natural gas supplier to identify market potentials and develop a sustainable organic expansion strategy

Client situation

A leading U.S. natural gas supplier, active in the compressed natural gas (CNG) supply, realized the favorable environment for further CNG expansion due to low and stable natural gas price outlook

Project approach

SDI performed a series of analyses to develop a comprehensive market understanding through a combination of market sizing, customer segmentation, and CNG network analysis efforts and defined a winning expansion strategy


SDI’s focused assessment approach resulted in a clear prioritization of those cities and corridors for further CNG fueling station development that promised sustained value creation for our customer in the long term

Case Study Energy Services

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