Energy & Utilities Energy Retail
Strategy Design & Implementation, Digital Strategies
Case Study Energy Retailer

Case Study

New retail strategy plus new value-added product and services for a leading U.S. energy retailer

SDI successfully supported a leading U.S. energy retailer in transforming its traditional commodity-focused offer by offering additional value to its customers through new products and services

Client situation

Leading U.S. electricity and natural gas retailer facing severe price competition in the residential energy segment and looking for new opportunities for growth and increased customer retention

Project approach

SDI assessed a variety of options leveraging its proven 3-step process: (1) Exploration of market opportunities, (2) Customer survey, and (3) Economic impact and feasibility to prioritize the top opportunities for pursuit


Using SDI’s proven and systematic approach, SDI identified and prioritized several top products and services with largest economic impact for our client yielding the foundation for rapid market testing and implementation

Case Study Energy Retailer

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