Energy & Utilities Energy Services
Cost Reduction, Process & IT Systems Optimization
Case Study Energy Services

Case Study

Microgrid cost-to-serve approach

SDI supported a leading provider of distributed generation and customer-sited microgrid solutions to increase cost and profitability transparency on a customer level to increase competitiveness

Client situation

A leading energy firm with an extensive offering in the microgrid space required a detailed view of profitability of its products to maintain competitive and realign its sales and marketing organizations

Project approach

SDI employed its proprietary Cost-to-serve approach to develop an activity-based cost view for each product and service by industry, customer segment, and region, as well as defined a profitability-driven sales & marketing organization


SDI analysis enabled reduction of FTEs by 20%, while reorganization of sales & marketing ensured resource focus on most profitable customers

Case Study Energy Services

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