Energy & Utilities Transmission & Distribution
M&A Screening, M&A Execution and Post-Merger Integration
Case Study Energy Transmission and Distribution

Case Study

Effective post deal value realization for large energy distribution company merger

SDI supported the post deal integration of two major energy distribution companies to realize synergy value following a comprehensive analysis of the new organizational structure and innovative efficient process design

Client situation

Following a M&A deal, two large energy distribution companies were seeking to maximize value realization for the integrated entity

Project approach

SDI developed efficient, streamlined and integrated processes for the core entity (General & Administrative, Sourcing, Retail, and Distribution) based on a thorough post-acquisition As-Is analysis of the new organizational structure


Integrating and restructuring the two distribution firms resulted in significant benefits north of €100MM, thus effectively doubling agreed-on target results

Case Study Energy Transmission and Distribution

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