Energy & Utilities
Customer Analytics, Marketing & Sales Excellence
Fallstudie Energie

Case Study

Developing the business model of the future for leading energy retailer

SDI supported a leading energy retailer in the development of its business model of the future and derived a set of actionable opportunities based on B2B retail energy trends

Client situation

Aware of the long-term industry changes and resulting mid- to long-term business opportunities and threats, a leading energy retailer initiated the development of the winning Retail Business Model of the Future

Project approach

SDI developed a comprehensive trend study on mid- to long-term B2B energy retail trends linked to specific actionable opportunities which was used as the basis for an executive workshop to jointly develop the path forward to 2030


SDI’s collaborative approach enabled an efficient strategy development process to pursue identified opportunities building on client’s and industry expert thought leadership

Fallstudie Energie

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